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Audio Effects

Audio Effects

The "audio effects" panel displays controls to manipulate the audio. Below is a description of each control and what it does.

Auto Volume

By enabling "Auto Volume" you will notice that the call volume is equalized. This means if one party is louder than the other, "Auto Volume" would make them a similar volume.

Silence Suppression

If "Silence Suppression" is enabled it will skip all silence in the call. When the replay position arrives at a point where silence occurs it will snap to the next point of audio skipping the silence. This speeds up replay time when listening to calls with a lot of silence.

Audio Boost

When "Audio Boost" is clicked, the volume is boosted and the call becomes louder. This is useful when the recording sounds quiet.

WARNING! Do not click the "Audio Boost" option with headphones on! The sudden boost in volume may damage your ears!

Mono / Stereo Selection

When a call is in progress there are usually two parties which are recorded as two channels.


When replaying a call using "Mono" the two channels are mixed together so you can hear them both out of the same speaker. Although the channels are mixed, you are still able to control each channel's volume.


By replaying in "Stereo" the call is split between the speakers. In the left speaker will be the local party and the right, the remote party. Volume controls are also available in this mode.

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