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Internet Explorer Error Message - Stop Running This Script?


Using Internet Explorer you may see this message appear, particularly if you display a large number of calls at once
(greater than 100). It is recommended to increase the script timeout in Internet Explorer. To disable this message, please follow the instructions below:

Resolution: Increase Script Warning Timeout

  • Click the Start Button and then Run.
  • Enter RegEdit and press OK.
  • Open HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Styles.
  • Note that on some systems, the "Styles" key will not exist. In this case create it.
  • If a MaxScriptStatements value is present, edit it. If not create a new one of DWORD type.
  • Edit the value in hexadecimal mode and set it to FFFFFFFF.

  • Now restart Internet Explorer to apply the setting. You should no longer see the "stop running this script" message appear.

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