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Replay Controls

The replay controls work a lot like a generic Media Player, however, instead of rewinding you can go backwards in 10 second increments, the opposite of this applies to fast forward. Selecting the "about" button displays information about the Media Player, such as the version number and copyright information. Clicking the "loop" button enables "loop mode" which is described below.

Loop Mode

The purpose of "loop mode" is to continuously replay a chosen portion of a call. This is especially useful when verifying important information.

Simply click and drag the mouse over the portion of call you wish to repeat. Enter loop mode by clicking the loop button situated on the replay control surface on the far left. This is confirmed by the loop icon changing to a normal forward arrow which represents normal replay. Click the "play" button to begin the loop. When the replay indicator reaches the end of the "loop region" it will return to the start of the selection. This will continue until you exit loop replay by clicking the normal replay button which is a toggle of the loop replay button.

A "stop" button will appear instead of the "loop" button when live acquiring. The stop button terminates live acquire.

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