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Replay Preferences Overview

Below is a brief explanation of each preference and the effects it has on the interface behaviour.

Display Results Earliest / Latest First

This setting controls which order your results are given to you. "Earliest first" will return the oldest possible calls first, "Latest First" will return the newest calls first.

Maximum Number of Results

This setting enables you to decide the maximum number of results returned from a search within Replay. To specify this, slide the control to the desired value.

Search Closes Automatically

By enabling this option, the Search panel will close when the search has finished. This is a very small change but can help your workflow run smoother.

Media Player Opens Automatically

By enabling this option, the Media Player panel will open automatically upon replaying a call. This is a very small change but can help your workflow run smoother.

Auto Expand Linked Calls

If this option is enabled any linked calls in your search results will be expanded once the search is complete.

Note: If your initial search returns a large number of linked calls, it may take a long time to find all the linked calls and display them.

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