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An Error Has Occurred with this Application

Note: If you are not using Windows 7 64bit or have already installed this hotfix you should try the corrupted replay plugin section here instead.

This error message only applies to the 64bit version of Windows 7.

Full Error Message

System.BadImageFormatException: An attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format.
(Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007000B)
at ReplayClasses.CPitchCorrection.CPitchDLL_Create()
at ReplayClasses.CPitchCorrection..ctor()
at ReplayClasses.CCallContainer..ctor(UInt16 usStreamVersion, Boolean bMono, Boolean bSetAVC, Boolean bLocalMuted Boolean bLocalMuted, Boolean bRemoteMuted, Double lLocalVolume, Double lRemoteVolume, Boolean bDoCallAuthentication, UInt32 ulDeviceID, String strCallStartEDandT, Boolean bSilentSuppression, Boolean bAudioBoost, UInt32 uiMaximumCallLength, Single fReplaySpeed, Double dSpokenTimeVolume, Boolean bSpokenTimeLocalChan, Boolean bSpokenTimeRemoteChan, Boolean bSpokenTimeIntroOnly, Object& Locker, UInt32 ulReplayMode)
at ReplayPlugin.Main.BuildCallContainer(UInt32 uiVersion)
at ReplayPlugin.Main.UpdateReplayStatus(UInt32 uiStatus, UInt32 uiVersion)
at ReplayPlugin.Main.SendRequest()
at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state)
at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart()"


You should use 32 bit IE rather than 64 bit. Also, please visit the Microsoft help topic on this error here

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