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Scoring Modes

Use the Scoring Mode dropdown menu to select one of the five scoring options scheme for the Definition. The six built in Scoring Modes, listed below, will be displayed together with any copies that have been created and edited in the Scoring Mode section of the QM Design Center:

  • NO/YES: If the Yes Label is selected, the entire number of point for this question are added. If the No Label is selected, none of the points for this question are added.

  • NA / No / Yes: If the Yes Label is selected, the entire number of points for this question are added. If the No Label is selected, none of the points for this question are added. If the NA Label is selected, the number of points for this question are deducted from the TOTAL number of points for the Template.

  • NA / No / Part / Yes: If the Yes Label is selected, the entire number of points for this question are added. If the No Label is selected, none of the points for this question are added. If the Part (Partial) Label is selected, none of the points for this question are added. If the NA Label is selected, the number of points for this question are deducted from the TOTAL number of points for the Template.

  • Sliding Scale 0 – 5: The number of points for this question are divided between the different grades as follows: “0” - 0% of the points, “1” - 20% of the points, “2” - 40% of the points, “3” - 60% of the points, “4” - 80% of the points, “5” - 100% of the points. If the NA Label is selected, the number of points for this question are deducted from the TOTAL number of points for the Templates.

  • Traffic Lights: If Green is selected, the entire number of points for these questions are added. If Amber, 50% and if Red none of the points for these questions are added.

  • Comments: No points are associated with this scoring mode and therefore it does not have an effect on the headline % score. It allows for a short comment to be added.

The scoring mode you use will dictate how your questions Definitions are worded. For example, you could not score the question definition, “How well did the agent put the customer at ease”, with a NO/YES. This would be more suited to a Sliding Scale 0-5

NB. NO/YES is the default option

Set the number of Points to be allocated to the Definition to give it more or less weight in an Evaluation’s total score. A Definition is automatically credited with one point.

Scoring modes can be edited by a user with user management permissions. To find out more about this please refer to the QM Manual.

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