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Template Status

Status describes whether the template can be used to create evaluations – the default setting is draft and this is the only available option until attributes and definitions have been added to the template. The other three options are published, discontinued and reintroduced. Discontinued is only available after a template has been published; reintroduced is only available after a template has been discontinued. Only published and reintroduced templates can be used to create evaluations.


Template is unavailable for use in evaluations (the default option and only available before a template is published)


Template is available for use in evaluations. A template cannot be published until attributes and definitions have been assigned to template.


After a template has been published it can be discontinued, meaning it will no longer be available for use in evaluations (only available once a template has been published)


This enables discontinued templates to be reintroduced and again made available for use in evaluations (only available once a template has been discontinued)

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