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Timeline View

The timeline is a visual representation of your searched calls, you can even replay them from within the timeline view. It's easy to view your searched calls inside the timeline view, simply perform a search and use the view switch from the grid to timeline view. The view switch can be found on the Results Toolbar which is explained later.

The Timeline interface is made of vertical time segments, each one is 10 minutes in length. Each segment will always be 10 minutes long but may appear bigger or smaller on your screen depending on your zoom level. If you zoom out you see more time segments because they are smaller in size, zoom in and you will see fewer because they are larger in size. This can be useful when focusing on a small area of calls, or for an overview of a large number of calls.

Horizontally the timeline displays calls (represented as bars), each horizontal line of calls is known as an axis. A timeline axis could be a Channel Name, Logical Channel, Group Name etc. This is an option provided so that you can sort your calls any way you wish. More detail is given on how you display your timelines later on.

If there are more axes than vertical space you will be able to scroll vertically as well as horizontally. This will reveal the hidden axes that could not be shown due to insufficient vertical space.

We will now explore the basic functionalities of the timeline control.

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