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Advanced Use of Search Criteria

Example One

I want to find a call that started on 6th October between 9am and 10am. If I search using this time range the recorder gives me 100 calls matching my criteria. This is too much! I can't remember the exact extension of the phone but I think it started with a 5 and ended in a 1. I will perform a wildcard search to retrieve calls made from extensions beginning in 5 and ending in 1. Below is how I set up my search criteria:

As you can see the wildcard is symbolized with a "%". The "%" basically means "anything". Now the recorder has returned just 5 calls rather than the original 100. Below are the results returned from my search:

As you can see the results all have extensions beginning in 5 and ending in 1. I now have less calls to work through than if I had not used what I remembered about the extension.

Although in this scenario the wildcard was inserted in the middle of the extension, it can be inserted anywhere. All you have to remember is that the "%" means "anything".

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