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Advanced Use of Search Criteria

Example Two

I want to find calls that were made to or received from a specific area code using the "Other Party" Criteria. In my case the area code of interest is "0115". Usually I could just enter one wildcard that would look like this:

The above criteria would only find incoming calls from area code "0115", this is because any outgoing calls are prefixed with a "9". As I want to find the outgoing calls that were made as well, I need to use two wildcards. Below is the correct wildcard search that will find both "Incoming" and "Outgoing" calls:

The "%" at the beginning of the criteria means that it will find any call prefixed with "anything" e.g. "01159377100", "901159377474" or even "0132522011587".

Note: The above wildcard criteria matches anything with "0115" in it, not necessarily towards the start as we wanted in this scenario.

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