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Evaluation Reports

Select the report you want to run:

  • Completed evaluations for all agents
    • Produces a league table of all completed evaluations created by the logged in user for the specified dates.
  • Average score for every user
    • Produces a league table of the average evaluation scores for all users evaluated by the logged in user for the specified dates
  • Average score for every team
    • Produces a league table of the average evaluation scores for all teams evaluated by the logged in user for the specified dates
  • Agent scores
    • Produces a league table for the selected units/teams/agents in a particular date range, broken down by agent, with a running average score. A line graph is also available
  • Agent exceptions
    • Produces a league table that shows the evaluation scores, which fall above or below a defined set of values. A split bar graph is also available
  • Training Needs
    • Identifies strengths and weaknesses for all levels of the organisation. Displays distribution of ratings for each definition.
  • Headline Scores Tracking
    • Trend analysis of headline scores at all levels of the organisation
  • Evaluation Summary
    • Summary of all evaluations undertaken, based on particular criteria, in a concise printable format
  • Evaluation Tracking
    • Details of all evaluations undertaken, based on particular criteria, in a concise printable format
  • Definitions Tracking
    • Trend analysis of definitions at all levels of the organisation
  • Track Changes
    • This report shows what changes have been made to scores by managers to level or correct scoring by a supervisor. This report can be used to identify supervisors that are constantly under or over scoring and or managers that are targeting changes to specific users
  • Track Rejections
    • The track rejections report is designed to show all calls that have been rejected over a specific time period for a particular manager. This report can be used to identify how many rejections an evaluator has made and if certain evaluators are rejecting too many calls.

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