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Note: The term template is the default value and may have been changed in the unit branding section

A template is the set of questions and parameters against which recorded media files are rated in evaluations. These questions and parameters, called definitions, are grouped together in attributes, each attribute focusing on a different skill or area of the media file.

A full template containing attributes and definitions must be created and published before an evaluation can be performed. Typically different templates will be created for different units.

Within a template there is no limit to the number of attributes or definitions that can be added. Each definition contributes a number of points to the template, the total number of which are used to create an evaluation’s score when the template is used to evaluate a media file. The number of points that are allocated to each definition can be edited to lend more or less weight to different definitions according to their importance. Customisable scoring modes are also available to address the particular requirements of differing definition question types, including the AutoFail option.

User management is the only user role with permission to create and edit templates.

Note: Templates can only exist within folders so the folder structure must be created first

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